The global poker game phenomenon is moving through the world’s most wonderful casinos as the PokerStars European Poker Tour (EPT) enters Europe.

PokerStars hosts some of the largest Internet tournament in the world. EPT poker tournament events happen in Dublin, Vienna, Paris, London and Barcelona.

The Grand Final of PokerStars tournament is scheduled on 15-19 March 2005, and will be conducted in the beautiful Carlo Casino in Monaco. The prize to be given for this event is expected to be over EUR 2 million. Out of this total prize, over EUR 1 million will be given to the winner.

PokerStars EPT Executive Producer John Duthie said, “Finally, Europe will host a premier poker tour, as the EPT is the first pan-European poker tournament series. All across Europe, from casinos to online sites like PokerStars, interest in poker is booming, so it’s only natural to provide a circuit for the serious European poker player”.

The final event will include 10 runners-up and finalists chosen from the preliminary events. Those contestants will then battle for the EPT Series 1 Grand Champion title.

Players from different countries around the world also have a chance to join in the Grand Final. Internet satellite competitions for the final event are organised to be played on the PokerStars.com. Winners of these satellite games will be given the same amount of prize given to the live tour winners.

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