At Dublin, 195 players prepared for the start of European Poker Tour Stop’s Day One ‘A.’

The host for the said tournament is the Regency Hotel, which prepared a large tournament area with plenty of rooms for the poker players as well as the media. Unlike many European Poker Tour Stops, the hotel prohibited smoking at the tournament so that the players will not have ashtray-like smell upon leaving the area.

The tournament officials also implemented the ‘CardRoom Magic,’ a new system that will manage the entire tournament from the start until the end. The system also announces the break schedules, new blind levels, and many more. This new system has been approved by the British Gaming Control Board, and it is already being used throughout Europe.

On the other hand, majority of the main games are scheduled on Day One ‘B,’ which will be held tomorrow, but some of the big players decided to ‘have a look’ at the poker room today. Ram Vaswani played Chinese poker and he gave tips to his tablemates, while Greg Raymer did some freerolls.

At the end of the day, only 49 out of the original 195 players managed to make it for Day One ‘B’. Having a chip count of 117,400, Jonas Helness from Norway is the chip leader. Some of the European poker players that made their way for Day One ‘B’ include Roy 'The Boy' Brindley, Paul Testud, Andy Black, Johnny Lodden, Marc Goodwin, Kevin Breesey, Stuart Fox, and Joakin Hammar.

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